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Mazda Sets the Standard at PIMS... Again!

Jude Morte · Sep 16, 2022 02:00 PM

Mazda Sets the Standard at PIMS... Again! 01

The limited edition Mazda MX-5 MCP 25th Anniversary Edition

Rare and riveting is the roadster constructed for those that revere Mazda's two-seater performance runner.

This is what transpired at Mazda's presentation during the opening day of the 2022 Philippine International Motor Show (PIMS). Mazda released a limited edition variant of the MX-5 sports car, to commemorate the 25th year of the Miata/MX-5 worshippers known as Miata Club Philippines (MCP).

Priced at Php 2.3 million (six-speed automatic transmission) and Php 2.25 million (six-speed manual transmission), the 184 Ps 205 Nm soft-top convertible sports more aesthetic changes than its fellow MX-5 versions. For example, the cloth top is in what Mazda calls Navy Blue, matched to a platinum quartz metallic colorway and satin silver eight-spoke, 17-inch rims. The aluminum Connect Commander knob for the in-car entertainment (ICE) was ditched for a knob that looked like a cylindrical stamp. Embossed on the said knob were the words "Mazda Club Philippines 25th anniversary edition" – and the "25th" part of the aforementioned phrase is made more visible. Owners also get an MX-5 MCP-specific car cover and a coffee table book depicting the achievements of the Miata Club of the Philippines.

The MX-5 MCP edition also has features standard in other MX-5s. These include the premium Bose sound system and its nine speakers, an auto-dimming rearview mirror, and black leather seats.

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At Mazda's PIMS booth, also on display was a small museum depicting yearly milestones of the MCP, along with a near-pristine first generation (1989-1997, chassis code NA) Mazda Miata. The silver NA exhibited had a black soft top roof, plus a fire extinguisher neatly placed between the seats.

Mazda Sets the Standard at PIMS... Again! 01

The refreshed Mazda CX-8 stands prominently at Mazda Philippines' ostentatious booth. 

Mazda Philippines also put on display the facelifted Mazda CX-8. Featuring a new front grille design, it now lands in step with the rest of the regional markets that have been selling the seven-seater.

Aside from its two mild hybrid offerings -  the Mazda 3 M-Hybrid Sportback and the Mazda CX-30 M-Hybrid, the booth also included an accessorized version of the new BT-50 aptly named, Pangolin II. This follows the previous generation's special edition variant sold last year.

Mazda Sets the Standard at PIMS... Again! 02

This Mazda BT-50 is accessorized to the hilt.

With what seems to be the largest and most luxurious-looking display at this year's PIMS, Mazda has once again made sure that it remains to be the premium Japanese brand to contend with. 

Mazda Sets the Standard at PIMS... Again! 03

Did you visit the standout Mazda pavilion at PIMS last weekend?

Jude Morte

Contributing Writer

A veteran of the Philippine motoring media since 2002, Jude has worked for two business broadsheets, three automotive websites, a car and lifestyle magazine, and a small national daily. He is also a fan of women's volleyball, 1980s toys, sneakers, and national defense.

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