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How many hours may a temporary operator's permit (top) be used as a temporary driver's license?

Camry Black · Jun 13, 2023 01:49 PM

Even the most skilled drivers sometimes receive unexpected tickets from the LTO and face the risk of having their driver's license confiscated. Losing your license can greatly inconvenience your daily commute and urgent errands.

Now, more than ever, it's crucial to obtain a Temporary Operator's Permit (TOP) as a temporary driver's license solution.

How many hours may a temporary operator's permit (top) be used as a temporary driver's license? 01

Here are a few questions people often ask when talking about TOP:

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1. What is TOP?

TOP, short for Temporary Operator's Permit, is a vital document in the world of traffic violations. According to Memorandum Circular No. 515-2004 dated 25 May 2004, every violation must be accompanied by a TOP, which must be promptly issued to the driver/operator at the exact time and location of the apprehension. This ensures strict compliance with the regulations and provides an immediate record of the offense committed.

2. Can TOP be temporarily used as a driver’s license of the apprehended operator/driver?

Absolutely! The TOP acts as a temporary driver's license, but keep in mind that it's only valid for a short period of time, specifically 72 hours or 3 days. So make sure to take care of any necessary license-related matters within that timeframe.

How many hours may a temporary operator's permit (top) be used as a temporary driver's license? 01

3. How many days is the validity of the TOP?

The TOP is typically valid for 72 hours or 3 days, unless stated otherwise for a shorter duration. 

4. Can TOP be extended after 72 hours or 3 days after its validity?

Unfortunately, the TOP cannot be extended beyond the initial 72 hours or 3 days.

While the Temporary Operator's Permit (TOP) can serve as a temporary driver's license, it's essential for every driver to uphold and follow traffic rules to prevent any deduction of their driver's license.

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