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Variants List
Select Variant
Select Variant
Specs Comparison
BodyType Sedan Sedan
Segment - -
Transmission AT AT
Capacity(L)(L) 3.3 1.5
Horsepower(PS)(PS) 365 156
Torque (Nm) 510 250
Dimensions Comparison
Dimensions Comparison
4830 mm
2905 mm
1870 mm
1400 mm
4686 mm
2840 mm
2020 mm
1442 mm
Photo Comparison
  • Which is more reliable KIA Stinger or Mercedes-Benz C-Class?

    Both KIA Stinger and Mercedes-Benz C-Class have a reliability rating of 4.5 (out of 5.0 points).
  • Which is more fuel efficient KIA Stinger or Mercedes-Benz C-Class?

    The specific fuel consumption comparison of the two vehicles can be found here: KIA Stinger fuel consumption, Mercedes-Benz C-Class fuel consumption.
  • Which is bigger KIA Stinger or Mercedes-Benz C-Class?

    To compare the dimensions of the two cars, you can see the above Dimensions Comparison data to draw conclusions.

In Brief Reviews

Compare models by Car Price, Service Cost, Size, Fuel Consumption, Space, Mileage, Features, Colors, Pons & Cons, Images and other specs to tell you which is better KIA Stinger or Mercedes-Benz C-Class

KIA Stinger

KIA Stinger price starts at ₱ 3325000. KIA Stinger has 3.3L engine.

Mercedes-Benz C-Class

Mercedes-Benz C-Class price starts at ₱ 3290000. Mercedes-Benz C-Class has 1.5L engine.

Comparing multiple vehicles, variants and features can't be easier with Autofun’s strong car comparison tool, just stack them all up from the cars list. Compare Price, Variant, Fuel Type, Engine Power, Torque, Transmission Type, Engine Displacement(cc), Gear Box, Dimensions, Drive Type, Wheel & Tyre, Safety, Assist System, Exterior, Interior, Multi-media, you’ll surely have an idea of what your perfect car is with our clear and informative comparison report between KIA Stinger vs Mercedes-Benz C-Class

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