Want to buy a Suzuki Grand Vitara? Use our car loan calculator to easily calculate your monthly payments in the Philippines. Enter the loan amount, interest rate and term, and get the results instantly. Check monthly payment price calculated by simulating a down payment of 35%, a loan interest rate of 12%, and a loan period of 4 years through the Suzuki Grand Vitara Loan Calculator.
The following prices are calculated based on: the prices of different Suzuki Grand Vitara car variants, a 35% down payment, a 4-year loan term, and a 12% interest rate.
Monthly Payment
The Vitara remains to be one of Suzuki’s most enduring automotive nameplates in the Philippines. Starting out as a tough and plucky little sport-utility vehicle (SUV) that offered more comfort than the Suzuki Samurai, the Vitara (and later, the larger Grand Vitara) has provided car buyers with alternatives to crossovers like the Toyota RAV4 and the Honda CR-V since the 1990s. In its final form, the Vitara was a funky, five-seat crossover that was sadly discontinued on June 2022, with the carmake
VJ Bacungan